Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Red Alert! Two Black Hairs Spotted

With an 11 year old girl and a 13 year old boy, we are on Puberty alert at our house. My daughter has come home with the horror story of so and so starting her period, which then requires a reassuring discussion that it is a naturally occuring thing and that she will not die from it.

My son however called me into the bathroom the other day to say he is growing hair. Upon close examination, there were indeed two darker hairs in the nether regions.

My husband, who kept procrastinating about having the talk, forced my hand. There are thousands of books, articles and experts who outline the correct way this topic is to be discussed (without leaving long-lasting emotional scars that will be revealed on Oprah 10 years from now)

So my son and I go walking along a greenway we have by our house. Luckily for us,it is close enough to spring that Mallard ducks (who mate for life) have already begun "hooking up." So praise God. Doesn't He always provide exactly what we need at exactly the right time?

So we have our talk. I think I raised more questions than answered. But I feel we have at least started down the path. And now my husband can do the rest!

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