Sunday, January 3, 2010

OK. So New Year's Resolution #1 is met. I have created a blog. I did this for several reasons...
#1 it seems everyone who is someone has a blog
#2 I am too verbose for twitter and facebook. My designers at work tell me this all the time when I am writing promotional copy
#3 I am thinking that one day I may follow in the footsteps of my own authors and our fiction editor and write my own novel and felt this was a good way to start.

But my main reason is that I feel I have stories to tell...lots of stories. I am the obnoxious person at the office, who not matter the topic of conversation, has a story to tell. Some think this is my attempt to one-up the speaker, but really, I have had sooo many adverntures that I do have a lot of stories.

Some of you may remember the old Mac Davis tv variety show. At the end, he would sit in the audience and allow guests to offer a word or two and after collecting about 10 or so words, we would put them into a song.

My brain works the same way. When I hear a conversation, I usually can pull a story out of my life or the life of someone close to me. But I can't sing, so for now, these stories will just stay in written word!

All for now.


  1. Welcome to the world of addiction. I mean blogging. *wink*

  2. You need to be writing novels. Right now. Start. LOL. Or those stories traipsing around will overtake your brain and hold it hostage with your future characters standing guard and unloading their creative guns until you unleash them.

    Trust me on this.

    You'll go nuts if you don't write.

    Glad you started by starting this blog. Can't wait to see what God does with you!


  3. welcome to the blogosphere. I can definitely see you writing a novel someday!
